Layer style is the best part of Photoshop design. Especially very useful for layer to make changes such as shadow, glow, bevel and many more. Layer styles are linked to the layer contents. You can apply more than one effect in layer style. Ready to use preset styles are available in styles palette. Most important thing is you can copy your layer effects to other layer. To apply layer style options double click on layer or goto layer menu than layer style.

Uses of effects

Layer style option

  • Drop shadow – in this option you can add custom drop shadow, change shadow color, shadow angel, distance, size, spread, opacity etc.
  • Outer glow – Create outside area glow of any object or any text. Looking more attractive ex – bulb light glow also you can use here color, opacity, size and spread etc.
  • Pattern overlay – Create a pattern design on the layer and can adjust the pattern design.
  • Gradient overlay – Use multiple colors and customize the object for better looks.
  • Color overlay – Change color from one to another or use color for different looks.
  • Satin – Use internal color effect by using distance, size, color and angel etc.
  • Inner glow – Specially use for internal glow effect using color, source, choke and size.
  • Inner shadow – Inner shadow is used to create shadow inner part of design or text.
  • Stroke – Add outline for text, design or shape by using color, size, position etc.
  • Bevel & emboss – This effect is used to add 3D depth by using its style, depth, size, direction and its shading.

Layer effect

Blending Mode

Blending mode is layer based effect used to mix from one layer to another layer. Simply this option is activated when two or more layers will be in there. Blending mode option is always work with below layers. Mostly use this option for passes merge in video editing or 3D still image passes merge. It creates a good quality and perfect realistic output. There are 27 blending mode effects are available for mixing layers. Normal, screen, multiply, overly, soft light, hard light are some best effect mode in between from all modes.