Before anyone going to starts work in Photoshop he/she must know how to setup a new work file and it’s important for the work. It may be anything like photo editing or designing. If you are not set the file in according to their use than the file is totally wrong even if the designing so much good.

How to setup a new PSD file?

Just open the PS in your PC and click on file menu then click on new option or you can directly open the new file by pressing CTRL+N

Pic 1

After that the new option will be display. (Image shown below)

Pic 2

Name : Just put the appropriate name for the document.

Presets : It is used for different types of layout size. There are some types of layout category like US Paper, International Paper, Photo, Web, Mobile & devices, Film & Video. These presets are used for different purpose of work but last option is Custom which is used for customization of page in height width, resolution, color mode, background contents etc.

Pixel : A small cube of picture in short a little part of a picture and you can see it when you fully zoom out the picture.

Resolution : It create the clarity of the picture. The more resolution is more clarity of picture. Normally 72 for screen or web purposes if your purpose for print the resolution will be 150 to 300 and you can put your resolution limit minimum 1 to maximum no 9999.999

Pixel/inch or pixel/centimeter will set as per requirement the no of pixel you want in each inch or centimeter.

Color mode : it’s used for the color clarity normally use RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue for screen purpose and CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black  used for printing and also lab. These three color mode are shows different color looks. Bitmap color is sharp black & white color and the last grayscale color used for no color means not pure black & white but it can adjust the color from black to white.

Bit : it stands for color quality normally use 8 bit but more bit will allow more quality of color and there is no doubt the picture color is best but it also create more heavy  to an image and maybe some option will not allow in ps software.

Background contents : Here you can what kind of background require in the file. May be white or transparent or background color which is set in background color option.

Here you can set any customize page settings as a preset option and you can delete it also. And the most interesting part in this setting is you can see the document size at the time of page setting.