On the past post I cleared about color importance for design but in this post I want to tell you how all the designs are based on principles. The principles are very common so it’s not only judged by such a professional artist in fact a common man who doesn’t have any idea about design and its principles. they can also judge the design.

It’s simple that show any design to any one if the person deny the design than its simple there must be lack of designing principles and if accepts that than it consists the proper rule. I mean to say that our eye is first part where the design captured first. So in technical point of view we find out the judgment way and named it principles to which but a normal guy always ignores.

Principles of Design


  • Balance – It’s a system where the design is based on a particular level of balance in point of elements, color, height, weight etc. also it contains two parts that is none other than symmetric and asymmetric balance.
  • Rhythm – It consists the sequences or the flow of design means through repetition, progression and continuity and the better part is pattern, color shades, designing elements etc.
  • Unity – In designing point of view all the designing elements are important in the art so, unity allows to collect the elements appearing together.
  • Simplicity – Design is important but more heavy elements or heavy designs make the design more complicated so try to create any design which is easy to understand and also shows very good looks.
  • Emphasis – It creates attention toward the object or art which is within the art except than others.
  • Proportion – Proportion creates a good quality relationship between shapes, depth, and sizes of element. Perfect design requires perfect proportion.

try to use all the following points to create perfect design.